Departmental Accomplishments

The following publications were posted since the last newsletter publication. Song, L. and Fan, W., Intersection Capacity Adjustments Considering Different Market Penetration Rates of Connected and Automated Vehicles, Accepted for Publication, Transportation Planning and Technology, February 2023. Yang, T. and Fan, W. Evaluation of Transit Signal Priority at Signalized Intersections under Connected Vehicle Environment, Accepted for Publication, Transportation Planning and Technology, January 2023. Hua, C., Fan, W., Song, L. and Liu, S., Analyzing the Injury Severity in Overturn Crashes Involving Sport Utility Vehicles: A Latent Class Clustering and Random Parameter Logit Model, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, Volume 149, Issue 3, March 2023. Zhao, X.M., Gao, Y., Jin, S.J., Xu, Z., Liu, Z., Fan, W. and Liu, P, Development of a Cyber-Physical-System Perspective based Simulation Platform for Optimizing Connected Automated Vehicles Dedicated Lanes, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 213, Part B, 118972, March 2023. Li, Y., Fan, W., Song, L. and Liu, S., Combining Emerging Hotspots Analysis with XGBoost for Modeling Pedestrian Injuries in Pedestrian-Vehicle Crashes: A Case Study of North Carolina, Accepted for Publication, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, December 2022. Liu, S. and Fan, W., A Simulation Study on The Traffic Delay and Fuel Consumption of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles In Superstreet with Platooning, Signal Optimization, and Trajectory Planning, Accepted for Publication, Transportation Planning and Technology, December 2022. Yang, T., Fan, W. and Song, L., Modelling Pedestrian Injury Severity in Pedestrian-Vehicle Crashes Considering Different Land Use Patterns: Mixed Logit Approach, Accepted for Publication, Traffic Injury Prevention, November 2022. Hua, C. and Fan, W., Injury Severity Analysis of Time-of-Day Fluctuations and Temporal Volatility in Reverse Sideswipe Collisions: A Random Parameter Model with Heterogeneous Means and Heteroscedastic Variances, Accepted for Publication, Journal of Safety Research, October 2022. Liu, S., Li, Y. and Fan, W., Mixed Logit Model Based Diagnostic Analysis of Bicycle-Vehicle Crashes at Daytime and Nighttime, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Volume 11, Issue 4, pp. 738-751, 2022. Hua, C. and Fan, W., Freeway Traffic Speed Prediction under the Intelligent Driving Environment: A Deep Learning Approach, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2022. Liu, S. and Fan, W., Platooning-Based Trajectory Planning of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles at Superstreets, Transportation Planning and Technology, Volume 45, Issue 3, pp. 251-267, 2022. Liu, S., Lin, Z. and Fan, W., Investigating Contributing Factors to Injury Severity Levels in Crashes Involving Pedestrians and Cyclists Using Latent Class Clustering Analysis and Mixed Logit Models, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Volume 14, Issue 10, pp. 1674-1701, 2022. Qiu, B. and Fan, W., Mixed Logit Models for Examining Pedestrian Injury Severities at Intersection and Non-Intersection Locations, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Volume 14, Issue 8, pp. 1333-1357, 2022. Liu, S. and Fan, W., Evaluating The Performance of Connected And Automated Vehicles in Fixed Signal-Controlled Conventional Intersections and Superstreets with Platooning-Based Trajectory Planning, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Volume 2022, Article ID 6093217, 2022. Li, Y. and Fan, W., Mixed Logit Approach to Modeling the Severity of Pedestrian-Injury in Pedestrian-Vehicle Crashes in North Carolina: Accounting for Unobserved Heterogeneity, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Volume 14, Issue 5, pp. 796-817, 2022. Liu, P. and Fan, W., Analyzing Injury Severity of Rear-End Crashes involving Large Trucks Using a Mixed Logit Model: A Case Study in North Carolina, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Volume 14, Issue 5, pp. 723-736, 2022.
Wu, H., Juel, A. I., Eytcheson, S., Munir, M., Aw, T. G., & Molina, M. (2023). Temporal and spatial relationships of CrAssphage and enteric viral and bacterial pathogens in wastewater in North Carolina. Water Research, 120008.
Khanal, N., Juel, M.A.I., Schlueter, J., Gibas, C., Munir, M. (2023). Maximizing SARS-CoV-2 RNA Output from Wastewater Samples: An Evaluation of Extraction principles for Increased Viral RNA Recovery. GPSG Graduate Research Symposium (GRS 2023), UNC-Charlotte, NC Khanal, N., Juel, M.A.I., Schlueter, J., Gibas, C., Munir, M. (2023). Optimization of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Extraction Protocols for Enhanced Viral RNA Yield in Wastewater Samples. 25th NC WRRI Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC. Khanal, N., Juel, M.A.I., Schlueter, J., Gibas, C., Munir, M. (2023). Optimization of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Extraction Techniques for Enhanced Viral RNA Yield in Wastewater Samples. Fourth Annual Graduate Research Symposium, CEE, UNC-Charlotte, NC. (2nd place) Khanal, N., Juel, M.A.I., Schlueter, J., Gibas, C., Munir, M. (2023). RNA Extraction Techniques for Enhancing the Sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Wastewater. NCDHHS Waste Water Monitoring Network Summit, Chapel Hill, NC Khanal, N., Juel, M.A.I., Schlueter, J., Gibas, C., Munir, M. (2022). Investigation Of SARS-CoV-2 Contamination On Highly Touched Indoor Surfaces On-Campus Buildings. 3MT Thesis Competition, UNC Charlotte, NC Khanal, N., Juel, M.A.I., Schlueter, J., Gibas, C., Munir, M. (2022). Modification of RNA Extraction Protocol for Increased SARS-CoV-2 RNA yield in Wastewater. NC one water annual conference, NC Khalid, M., Boayue, J.R., Munir. M. (2023). Biochar is a multi-beneficial and cost-effective amendment to clay soils. NCDOT research innovation summit, Raleigh, NC. (Oral) Khalid, M., Boayue, J.R., Munir. M. (2023). Biochar application in roadside stormwater runoff treatment. NCDOT research innovation summit, Raleigh, NC. Khalid, M., Boayue, J.R., Munir. M. (2023). Evaluation of biochar as potential filter media for the roadside stormwater runoff treatment. GPSG Graduate Research Symposium (GRS 2023), UNC-Charlotte, NC. (Oral) Khalid, M., Boayue, J.R., Munir. M. (2023). Biochar application in roadside stormwater runoff treatment. GPSG Graduate Research Symposium (GRS 2023). Khalid, M., Boayue, J.R., Munir. M. (2023). Biochar a multi-beneficial and cost-effective amendment to clay soils. 25th NC WRRI Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC. Khalid, M., Boayue, J.R., Munir. M. (2023). Biochar application in roadside stormwater runoff treatment: column study. Fourth Annual Graduate Research Symposium, CEE, UNC-Charlotte, NC. (3rd place) Khalid, M., Boayue, J.R., Munir. M. (2023). Bicoahr a multi-beneficial and cost-effective amendment to clay soils. Society of Lake Management professionals, Fl (SLMP 2023) (First place). Juel, M.A.I., Schlueter, J., Gibas, C., Munir, M. (2023). Development of a large-volume filtration-based virus concentration method for increased SARS-CoV-2 detection sensitivity. GPSG Graduate Research Symposium (GRS 2023). (3rd place in Oral presentation). Juel, M.A.I., Schlueter, J., Gibas, C., Munir, M. (2023). Large-volume filtration-based virus concentration method for increased SARS-CoV-2 detection sensitivity. GPSG Graduate Research Symposium (GRS 2023). (3rd place in poster presentation). Juel, M.A.I., Schlueter, J., Gibas, C., Munir, M. (2023). Large-volume filtration-based virus concentration method for increased SARS-CoV-2 detection sensitivity from wastewater. 25th NC WRRI Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Dr. Wei Fan
- Listed among the Top 2% of Scientists in a Global List of “Logistics & Transportation” specialty in 2021 released by the prestigious Stanford University, October 2022.
- Interviewed by a “Smart Cities Dive” Freelance Writer Ms. Kalena Thomhave on Micromobility, January 17, 2023.
- Read the article here.
Student Awards
- Shaojie Liu, Outstanding Reviewer Award, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, January 2023
- Paul D. Cribbins Cup, Outstanding ITE Student Chapter, North Carolina Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, McKimmon Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, November 17, 2022
- Hengcong Guo, Don Blackburn Memorial Scholarship, North Carolina Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, McKimmon Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, November 17, 2022
- Yang Zhao, Roy D. Williams Memorial Scholarship, North Carolina Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, McKimmon Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, November 17, 2022
- Chandler Horton, Student Poster Presentation Honorable Mention, NC Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Annual Conference, March 23, 2023