Geotechnical Research Projects
“Cold Weather Subgrade Stabilization”
“Geochemical Characterization of a Fly Ash Monofill at Various Depths”
“Feasibility Study for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in North Carolina Geologic Formations”
“A Study on the Biodegradation of Municipal Solid Waste”
“Development of an Earth Pressure Model for Design of Retaining Structures in Piedmont Residual Soils”
“SPT Test Energy Dissipation Research”
“Shake Table and Laminar Box Design”
“Experimental Study to Determine the Strength of Compacted Fly Ash”
“Effects of Geosynthetic Fibers on Unconfined Soil Strength as a Function of Saturation and Soil Type”
“Strain Measurement in Geosynthetic Materials”
“Organo-Silane Treatment of Fly Ash”
“Determining the Role of Insolation in the Mechanical Breakdown on Rock”
“Strength Characteristics of Cement and Lime Stabilized Soil”
“Energy Analysis of the Standard Penetration Test (SPT)”
“Comparison of Standard Penetration and Shelby Tube Torque Tests”
“Experimental Study of Lateral Spreading of Waste Pile Under Seismic Loading and Leaching of Recycled Materials”
“Engineering properties of Residual Soils and Fly Ash”
“Developing Direct Shear Test Methods for Determining Soil-Sampler Interface Shear Strength in Residual Soils”
“Rainfall thresholds for Warning Systems for Rainfall induced landslides”
“Preliminary Instrumentation Study of Rates and Mechanisms of Crack Initiation and Mechanical Weathering”
“Research in Soil Stabilization Using Lime, Cement, and Calcium Chloride”
“Comparison of Non-Invasive Geophysical Testing with Conventional Soil Testing”
“Numerical Optimization Applied to Pavement Design”
“Performance Improvement From Deep Layers of Subgrade Stabilization”
“Liquefaction of calcareous sands”
“Data Collection and Analysis of a GRS Bridge over Tiffin River in Defiance County, Ohio”
“NSF CCLI: Development, Implementation, and Assessment of Geotechnical Concept Tools”
“NSF STEP: Increasing Enrollment and Retention in the College of Engineering Using a Multi-Disciplinary Theme”
Rainfall Induced landslides
Field Testing of Ash Monofills
Sub-grade Stabilization and Optimization
Groundwater Modeling
GRS Integrated Bridge Systems
Post Grouted Drilled Shafts
Liquefaction of sands