Jy S. Wu, Ph.D., P.E., P.H.

Jy S. Wu, Ph.D., P.E., P.H.
Professor, INES PhD Program Director
Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Rutgers-State University of New Jersey. Ph.D., Chemical Environmental Engineering, January 1980.
- Asian Institute of Technology. M.E., Environmental Engineering, 1974.
- National Taiwan University, B.S.ChE., Chemical Engineering, 1971.
- Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) in Civil Engineering, North Carolina, 1983 (#11327)
- Certified Professional Hydrologist (P.H.), American Institute of Hydrology, 1987 (#671)
- Certification: ISO 14000 Awareness, 1998
- Infrastructure and Environmental Systems
- Energy and the Environment
- Disaster Research and Management
- Watershed Management and Modeling
- Wastewater and Industrial Waste management
Recent Publications
- Wu, J.S., Tseng, H.K & Liu, X. 2022. Techno-economic assessment of bioenergy potential on marginal croplands in the U.S. Southeast, Energy Policy. Accepted.
- Wu, J.S. & Allan, C.J. 2022. Water quality benefits of OGFC overlay for highway runoff management. In preparation.
- Liu, Z., Tseng, H.K., Wu, J.S. & Ding, Z. 2020. Implied volatility relationships between crude oil and the U.S. stock markets: dynamic correlation and spillover effects. Resources Policy, 66.101637
- Malinowski, P.A., Schwarz, P.M. & Wu, J.S. 2020. Fee credits as an economic incentive for green infrastructure retrofits in stormwater-impaired urban watersheds. Journal Of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6. 04020015.
- Ding, Z., Wu, J.S., Shi, X. & Wang, Q. 2019. Energy economy system and risk management: a contribution toward China meeting its goals for the Paris Climate Accord. Natural Hazards, Editorial 1-5.
- Liu, Z., Ding, Z., Lv, T., Wu, J.S. & Qiang, W. 2019. Financial factors affecting oil-price change and oil-stock interactions: a preview and future perspectives. Natural Hazards, 95(1-2), 207-225.
- Malinowski, P.A., Wu, J.S., Pulugurtha, S.S. & Stillwell, A.S. 2018. Green infrastructure retrofits with impervious area reduction by property type: potential improvement to urban stream quality. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. 4(4). 040180121.
- Okioga, I.T., Wu, J.S., Sireli, Y. & Hendren, H. 2018. Renewable energy policy formulation for electricity generation in the United States. Energy Strategy Reviews, 22, 365-384.
- Wu, J.S. & Allan, C.J. 2018. Vegetated swales for managing stormwater runoff from secondary roads. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 144(10). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001447
- Wu, J.S., Tseng, H.K., Ferrell, J.C. & Liu, X. 2017. Transforming waste management operations to green energy initiatives: opportunities and challenges. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 7(3), 50-57.
- Liu, Z. Ding, Z, Li, R., Jiang, X., Wu, J.S. & Lv, T. 2017. Research on differences of spillover effects between international crude oil price and stock markets in China and America. Natural Hazards. DOI 10.1007/s11069-017-2881-8.
- Malinowski, P.A., Stillwell, A., Wu, J.S. & Schwartz, P.M. 2015. Energy-water nexus: potential energy savings and implications for sustainable water management in urban areas from rainwater harvesting and gray-water reuse. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141(12). 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000528.
- Wu, J.S. & C.J. Allan. 2014. “Stormwater Characterization from Roadways with Open Graded Friction Course Surfaces.” NCDOT. 149 pp.
- Wu, J.S. & H.K. Tseng. 2014. “Energy and Economic Perspectives of Renewable Fuels.” Second International Symposium on Energy and Finance Issues. ISEFI. France.
- Tseng, H.K., Wu. J.S. and Liu, X. 2013. Affordability of Electric Vehicles for a Sustainable Transport system: An Economic and Environmental Analysis. Energy Policy. 61:441-447 .
- Meng, Z., Wu, J.S. & Allan, C. 2013. Hydrologic connectivity for highway runoff analysis at watershed scale. Chapter 2:23-30, In: Pragmatic Modeling of Urban Water Systems, Monograph 21, Edited by W. James et al. Published by CHI, Guelph, ON, Canada.
- Kaanagbara, L., Inyang, H.I., J.S. Wu & H. Hilger. 2010. Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Balance in Electric Transformer Oils. Fuel. 89(10):3114-3118.
- Wu, J.S. 7 C.J. Allan. 2010. “Unified Methodology for Site Characterization and Sampling of Highway Runoff.” Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China. 4(1):47-58.
- Wu, J.S. & Allan, C.J. 2008. Restoring and Assessing Fecal Coliform Impairment of Crowders Creek NC EW05020, NC Division of Water Quality, NCDENR. 62 pp.
- Wu, J.S. and Allan, C.J. 2006. Evaluation and Implementation of BMPs for NCDOT’s Highway and Industrial Facilities. FHWA/NC/2006-02, NCDOT. 157 pp.
- Wu, J.S., Han, J., Annambhotla, S. 7 Bryan, S. 2005. Artificial Neural Networks for Forecasting Urban Watershed Runoff and Stream Flows. J. of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE. 10(3):216-222.
- Wu, J.S., Han, J. & Allan, C. 2005. Suspended Sediment Removal by Vegetative Filter Strip treating Highway Runoff. J. of Environmental Science and Health. 40:1-13.
- Wu, J.S., Langley, W. & Chao, C. 2001. Reaction Kinetics of Immobilized Cell Denitrification: I Background and Model Development. J. of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 127(8):682-688.
- Chiemchaisri, W., Wu, J.S. & Visvanathan, C. 2001. Methanotrophic Production of Extracellular Polysaccharide in Landfill Cover Soils. Water Science and Technology. 43(6):151-159.
- Wu, J.S., Allan, C.J., Saunders, W. and Evett, J.B. 1998. Characterization and Pollutant Loading Estimation for Highway Runoff. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 124(7), 584-592.
- Nitisoravut, S., Wu, J.S., Reasoner, D. & Chao, C. 1997. Columnar Biological Treatability of Assimilable Organic Carbon under Oligotrophic Conditions. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 123(3):290-296.
- Wu, J.S., R. Holman & J. Dorney. 1996. Systematic Evaluation of Pollutant Removal of Urban Wet Detention Ponds. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 122(11):983